Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Chemtrails Debunked?

 What are the Chemtrails?

Have you ever seen white trails following planes as they soar through the sky? Well, if you answered yes, you have seen what some believe to be "chemtrails". The "Chemtrails" is the conspiracy in which people believe the governments releases chemicals from planes that have loads of affects on people and our Earth. Ever since planes began to take flight there have been questions about the dangerous chemicals they disperse into our atmosphere. This can also be referred to as geoengeneering. People believe they do this for reasons like mind control, reduction of life expectancy, weather control, and much more. 

                                        Photo of what some believe to be "chemtrails"

Is there any evidence of this happening? 

No. There has been no clear evidence of this actually happening. However, like every conspiracy, we may never know the truth. Scientists have come out and debunked the theory saying the trails seen behind planes are a product of water vapor and the powerful turbines. The argument people hold for this evidence is that you only see the white trails sometimes. People believe that the planes begin spraying chemicals at different times during a flight. While it sounds like something that could happen, many have tried and succestfully proved the illegitimacy of the conspiracy. Even after loads of evidence and trials, people will believe what they want and there is no changing that. 

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