Saturday, February 13, 2021

The "Illuminati" Conspiracy Theory

The "Illuminati" Conspiracy Theory

By: Natalie Wong

    Many claim that the "Illuminati" is one of the biggest conspiracy theories today. The theory started over 300 years ago and is still discussed today by millions of people. With 3.4 million Facebook likes, numerous mentions in songs, and Youtube channels dedicated to the theory, it is hard to feel like it is not real. 

What Exactly is the "Illuminati?"

    The "Illuminati," also known as Bavarian Illuminati, was a secret society that reigned from 1776 to 1785. The leader of the group, Adam Weishaupt, was a German law professor that promoted ideas about Enlightenment. The group was very secretive and kept their identities private. Illuminati group members did not trust those over the age of 30, because they believed that they were not willing to change their traditional views. They had code names for leaders and had a three-tiered power system that consisted of the political and societal elite. The noblemen with highest societal influence were on the top of the pyramid. 

[Adam Weishaupt and Members of the "Illuminati"]

What Did the "Illuminati" Believe?

    The secret group had very odd rituals and beliefs. Aside from their Enlightenment ideals, they wanted to be self-governed. They believed in liberty, progress, philanthropy, a constitutional government, and separation of church and state. 

What Symbols Were Associated With the "Illuminati?"

    They were closely associated with owls and used the Eye of Providence as a symbol of recognition. It resembles God's watch and compassion over the world. The eye is placed inside a triangle and each point stands for the 3 Holy Trinities (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit).

[The Eye of Providence]

How Did the "Illuminati" Influence the World?

    The "Illuminati" were closely related to the Freemasons. They were a fraternal group that promoted charity and obedience to the law of the land. It was a very exclusive society that required a sponsor from within the organization in order to join. The Freemasons group included George Washington, James Monroe, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, and Paul Revere who were also our Founding Fathers. The groups would share beliefs with each other. 

What Ended the "Illuminati?"

    In 1787, Karl Theodor, the Duke of Bavaria banned secret societies. Those caught practicing in the societies were punished by death. This led many people to stay away from the "Illuminati" and prevented potential new members from joining. The group slowly vanished and the original members have since passed. 

Is the "Illuminati" Still Present Today?

    There have been rumors that the secret society is still alive today. Books, articles, and videos have been posted regarding the theory. People are skeptical and claim that certain celebrities such as Jay Z, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, and Lebron James are all members of a present day "Illuminati" group. Theorist claim that the reason why they've grown to become so successful was because they have had help from higher powers in the group. However, the celebrities have all denied those accusations. 


Debunking the Theory

    The Illuminati is not real. The theory claims that the secret organization is seeking to overthrow the government and dominate. If the group was really that powerful, they would have already been a changes made. In the late 1960s, there was a huge presence of LSD and counter-culture mania. The text Principia Discordia was published that aimed to cause chaos and spread rumors. It started false claims of the "Illuminati" group trying to take over the government and self-reign.  


“Illuminati.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

“Later Illuminati.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Rotondi, Jessica Pearce. “Five Secret Societies That Have Remained Shrouded in Mystery.”, A&E Television Networks, 11 Dec. 2019,

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