Thursday, May 6, 2021

Censorship Controlling the Media

 John Mercuri

    Censorship is picking and choosing what can and can't be shown online. The government has a say in this. As of recent times, we have seen loads of censorship. This has caused riots, loads of anger, and worse. The president of the United States was banned from social media for basically no reason at all. This goes to show that these private companies are using loopholes to censor the content they display. Every big social media platform is liberal owned and this may be a reason Donald Trump was banned from social media. The reasoning for people being banned are things such as: talking bad about the current government, coronavirus, or being racist. There are many other reasons but these seem to be the main ones. 

    While scrolling instagram or facebook, you see many posts that are flagged "untrue". Even if there is a video proof of the incident the "fact-checkers" flag the post and mark it false information. This is a form of censorship because it is actively lying to cover things up. We should all be scared that our first amendment rights are slowly dwindling right in front of our eyes. A democracy will never work if the media is censored in a way that keeps the mass in the dark from what is truly occuring.

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