Friday, April 30, 2021

Censorship Assignment: Is Censorship Necessary?

  Is Censorship Necessary?

By: Natalie Wong 

What is Censorship?

    Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of speech and media. Typically, things that are censored are seen as a threat or unacceptable. The government plays a huge role in censorship along with private institutions and higher authority. Censorship blocks the viewing of certain media. Censorship can have an effect on speech, politics, religion, education, etc. 

[Censorship Propaganda]

What is the Purpose of Censorship?

    The purpose of censorship is the filter out ideologies or speech that hinders or goes against the general belief. People use it as a way to control what people know and think. Censorship also can be used to protect the world from harmful or inappropriate speech and other forms of media. It prevents the exposure of some ideas or material to the entire public.     

What Information Has Been Censored?

    A lot of movies have been censored due to the fact that the government deems them as highly inappropriate or fear that they could influence the public in a negative manner. Some governments, outside of the U.S. don't allow citizens to speak out against the government. Typically, censorship is popular amongst dictatorships or communist. They want everyone to abide by their rules and to never question authority. Censorship is used to limit outside thoughts or ideas that threaten their security. 

[China Censors Speech]

Does Censorship Violate the First Amendment?

    The First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion, and press. It states that all Americans are guaranteed this freedom and right. It ensures that the government cannot control or take away the freedoms from their citizens. All U.S. citizens have the right to speak freely, practice whatever religion they please, and press. Censorship does violate the first amendment because it dictates what people see and what they're allowed to share.  The amendment forbids the government from taking away the freedom, and censorship is a direct violation of that right. It bans access to material that goes against the government's beliefs. 

[Government Controlling Media]

[Internet Censorship Around The World]

Is Censorship Necessary?

    Personally, I don't think any forms of censorship are necessary. I understand there are things that might be on the internet or in the public eye that go against a country's beliefs or may be deemed as politically or socially unacceptable, but censorship prevents people from even knowing about other ideas or outlooks. It shelter's people in a way that isn't necessary. Everyone should have the freedom of speech, press, and religion according to the First Amendment. There are other ways of influencing the public rather than banning or suppressing certain ideologies or speech. For example, propaganda has played a huge role in society and time after time has shown how impactful it can be. I think there are hidden motivations behind censorship that cause certain powers of authority to want to censor certain parts of the media. In a way, I think it could indirectly brainwash people because it blocks off certain ideas or the spreading of ideas that contradict what a government wants their people to believe.  

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